Woman smiling standing beside tree
March 16, 2022

Autumn Update

Autumn Update - Canterbury Eyecare

We love this time of year, as the shorter days and cool weather bringing everyone together for picnics and cosy evenings. Today’s tips are all about helping you celebrate the season with clear and healthy vision.

Autumn Update - Canterbury Eyecare

The sun sits lower on the horizon during autumn and winter, creating additional glare. This poses a significant safety hazard as glare can temporarily hinder the vision of both drivers and pedestrians.  Polarised lenses are perfect for cloudy autumn days, dramatically reducing glare from windshields, roads and other reflective surfaces.

Talk to us about choosing polarised lenses for your new season sunglasses!

Autumn Update - Canterbury Eyecare

Glare doesn’t stop at sunset. Saying farewell to long summer days means it’s also time to prepare for increased night driving. Put your safety first by upgrading to a pair of anti-glare spectacle lenses – which often include resistant coatings that keep your glasses smudge-free!

Autumn Update - Canterbury Eyecare

Staying in? Cooler weather often leads to increased screen time, and this can trigger dry eye symptoms like watery, sore or itchy eyes.

It’s important to stay mindful of your screen time and take plenty of breaks. Divide recreational time to include activities like sport, board games or walks, and remember to drink plenty of water.

If you’re experiencing dry eye symptoms, make an appointment with us to discuss your treatment options.

Autumn Update - Canterbury Eyecare

After a hot summer, it feels nice to rug up with some autumn cooking. And these pancakes don’t only taste amazing – they’re healthy!


  • 1/3 cup blueberries
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup quick oats
  • 2 bananas
  • Drop of vanilla essence
  • Olive oil to cook
  • 1/4 teaspoon
  • cinnamon
  • Honey and yoghurt to serve


  • Mash bananas with a fork or in a food processor (don’t liquify them -just a nice ‘mashed’ texture)
  • Mix in eggs, oats, cinnamon, and vanilla essence with a spoon
  • Spoon out the mixture into skillet and sprinkle with blueberries
  • Heat olive oil over medium temperature in a skillet
  • Flip the pancakes after about 3 minutes, or when they look almost cooked through
  • Cook for another 2 minutes then serve hot with a dollop of yoghurt and a drop of honey

Autumn Update - Canterbury Eyecare

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